
Communicating our School Life & Events

At Trinity we strive to communicate effectively with our families. Our main forms of communication with families is through our Skoolbag App and through our regular weekly newsletter. Our Skoolbag App communicates reminders and alerts that are sent through our school. Our newsletter outlines important Term dates and communicates our school’s current learning and events. Both sources have language translation options. We strongly encourage our families to download the app and subscribe to our newsletter.

Weekly School Assemblies

Weekly school assemblies are held to promote belonging and participation in school life. We have two assemblies each week to enable our parents and carers who have commitments the opportunity to attend.

Monday Morning Assembly Our Monday morning assembly happens at 8.45am each Monday morning. Students gather to pray, share events that will be happening for the week, and to give out our weekly Ignatian Award. Nominations for the Ignatian Award are made by students in the grades each week for the student they feel has best lived out our term’s school value.

Friday Assembly Friday Assembly takes place at 2.30pm each Friday. Friday assemblies have our Social and Emotional Learning Awards and Specialist teacher awards. Often students and teacher share events that have been happening. Each Friday assembly is led by a different class and presents aspects of their learning from the week.  Parents are invited to attend.

Capturing & Communicating our Learning

Our primary means of capturing and communicating our learning with our families is through Seesaw (Prep- Year 2) and Google Classroom (Year 3-6). Parent sessions on accessing these platforms will be held at the beginning of the year. Parents who miss these sessions are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher to understand how to access these platforms.

We choose to use online platforms to support parent engagement with the learning that is taking place in the classroom at any given point in the term and to see how children are achieving. Teachers will regularly use these each week and parents are encouraged to discuss what they see with their children. In addition to this, families are welcome to follow our Facebook page on @tcsrichmond to see what’s happening.

Formal Communication

In addition to our ongoing communication, Parents receive formal reports in June and December each year. Term work is captured and communicated through Student Led Conferences and Learning Expos. Student Led Conference are held twice a year and are an opportunity for each student to be front and center in their learning, owning and communicating their learning. Learning Expos are held on the final Tuesday of term’s 1&3 when we invite our families to see the great learning that has happened across the school.